(Our links are not an endorsement of every idea expressed on any given site!)
Sometimes it seems like everyone has a blog! Here are a few by folks we know and respect.
Sara G. Barton: A Woman Called
Sara is the chaplain of Pepperdine University. “I’ve long loved God’s Word, and this blog will express a life immersed in God’s ongoing story. I’m thankful that my husband, John, and my kids, Nate and Brynn, are in the story with me.”
Kamy Bibbee: Kamy’s Korner 
HCoC’s own. Minister’s wife, RN, and mother of three sweet girls (two with special needs) occasionally slows down long enough to write down thoughts that percolate as she holds on for this crazy ride called life.
Mike Cope: Preacher Mike
Mike is a well known preacher and the director of the Pepperdine Bible Lectures.
John Dobbs: Out Here Hope Remains
John Dobbs preaches in Monroe LA and writes with great insight and compassion.
Sally Gary: The Missing Peace
Sally Gary is the Director of CenterPeace. “CenterPeace provides safe places for men and women who experience same-sex attraction. Since 2006 CenterPeace has been helping churches and families all over the world learn a more Christ-like response to individuals experiencing same-sex attraction.”
Jay Guin: One In Jesus
Jay Guin was an elder and lawyer in Tuscaloosa AL who challenges traditions in our fellowship. He died June 12, 2017 but his writing at OneInJesus and Wineskins will carry on.
Rick Janelle
Rick Janelle is the pulpit minister for the Shillington (Pennsylvania) Church of Christ. He held a similar position with Hickory Church of Christ for nine years.
C.S. Lewis 
Clive Staples Lewis (1898–1963) was one of the intellectual giants of the twentieth century and arguably one of the most influential writers of his day. The author of Mere Christianity, The Screwtapes Letters, Chronicles of Narnia, The Great Divorce, The Problem of Pain, Miracles, A Grief Observed, The Abolition of Man and many more classic works.
Al Maxey: Reflections
Al Maxey preaches in Alamogordo NM. He is the author of several books on practical application of Biblical doctrine and “Reflections”, weekly articles. “Reflections are not for everybody, however. They are designed for those disciples who have a Berean spirit — who are willing to examine afresh their convictions and practices in light of God’s inspired Word.”
Patrick Mead: Traveling Mead
Patrick Mead is a popular speaker who preaches for Fourth Avenue CoC Franklin TN. He has 2 blogs.
Traveling Mead Patrick Mead
Nancy Posey: Discriminating Reader
HCoC’s own (well, she recently moved to Nashville but we still claim her) English professor, published poet, musician… Nancy blogs on books and more.